Death Row Diaries

#10 Jaturun Siripongs

Jaturun Siripongs moved to the United States from Thailand, after working as a government informant. Then he murdered two innocent people and was busted using one of their credit cards to buy a television. He was executed in February of 1999 in San Quent…

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#09 Thomas Martin Thompson

Thomas Martin Thompson, better known as Tommy Thompson, was executed in San Quentin State Prison on a muggy July evening in 1988. He was convicted of the rape and murder of Ginger Fleischli, an outgoing and kindhearted woman, after a night of drinking an…

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#08 William Bonin Part II

In Part II of their discussion on William Bonin, Matt and Bill break down his last day on earth, although he has been seen roaming the prison halls, after he was executed. 

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#07 William Bonin Part I

William Bonin was known as the Freeway Killer, because he would dump his victims from his van on the sides of highways. This man was truly a monster, and even those who don’t support the death penalty didn’t especially mind when he was executed. That fat…

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#06 David Edwin Mason

David Edwin Mason killed the elderly, often robbing them of paltry amounts of money. He also killed his elderly male lover who purposefully gave him a sexually transmitted disease. Mason was suicidal from a young age, probably because he was physically a…

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#05 Robert Alton Harris

Robert Alton Harris was executed on San Quinten Prison’s death row on April 21, 1992. He killed two teenage boys named John Mayeski and Michael Baker, apparently so he could steal their car to rob a bank. He was arrested almost immediately, as he was an …

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#04 Marcelino Ramos

On June 2, 1979, Marcelino Ramos executed a young woman in the walk-in refrigerator of the Taco Bell where he worked. The last words she heard were “Say your prayers.” Ramos was rotund, slow, and self-loathing. Bill explains how Ramos didn’t fare well on…

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#03 Timothy Russell

Tim Russell was sentenced to death for the 1997 killing of two innocent sheriff’s deputies. He was an abusive drug addict and general lowlife, yet he had also expressed remorse for his crimes. Bill tells the story of how Russell met his unfortunate demis…

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#02 Richard Ramirez

Richard Ramirez was an unkempt rapist and murderer who nobody liked, besides a few other serial killers. Bill recounts his experiences in dealing with Ramirez, while Matt is pretty disturbed by the whole thing. 

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#01 Introductory Episode

Hosts Matt Ralston and William Noguera introduce the show. In the following episodes they’ll talk about killers. This one will give you your bearings. 

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